40th anniversary of the Kirchberg Winterschool
2025 marks the 40th anniversary of the Kirchberg Winterschool – International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM). The first conference in our series took place in February 1985 with polymers as its central theme. Since then, the topics discussed in Kirchberg have continuously evolved – polymers, high-Tc superconductors, fullerenes, nanotubes, organic materials, 2D materials, and many more, but the Kirchberg feeling has remained the same - lively, open minded, and highly spirited.
We want to celebrate this exciting anniversary with you. As always, expect a great scientific program plus an evening of celebration including all former and the present main organizers of Kirchberg.
Important Dates
The winterschool will be conducted from March 8 to March 14, 2025
at the Hotel Sonnalp in Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria.
If you would like to apply for participation, you will need to create an account on our website. The registration and abstract submission deadline is November 22, 2024. Information about registration and abstract submission will follow with the 1st and 2nd announcements.
The Winterschool lasts from Saturday afternoon, March 8, to Friday morning, March 14. There will be an informal reception party on Saturday, March 8, starting around 9 pm. If you arrive in time you can have dinner at the Hotel Sonnalp before the reception party. The scientific program starts on Sunday (March 9) morning and ends on Thursday (March 13) evening. Departure is on Friday (March 14) after breakfast.
Conference Program
You can find the current program of the IWEPNM 2025 here
Program Committee
E. Andrei (US) | H. Kataura (JP) | S. Reich (DE) |
A. Bachtold (ES) | R. Krupke (DE) | J. Robertson (UK) |
C. Backes (DE) | H. Kuzmany (AT) | S. Roth (DE) |
H. M. Cheng (CN) | Y. H. Lee (KR) | P. Rudolf (NL) |
J. Fink (DE) | Y. Li (CN) | C. Schönenberger (CH) |
M. Glazov (RU) | F. Libisch (AT) | P. Sheng (CN) |
R. Gorbachev (UK) | A. Loiseau (FR) | F. Simon (HU) |
I. Grigorieva (UK) | S. Maruyama (JP) | C. Stampfer (DE) |
S. Haigh (UK) | J. Maultzsch (DE) | M. Strano (US) |
S. Heeg (DE) | F. Mauri (IT) | K. Suenaga (JP) |
T. Heine (DE) | K. S. Novoselov (UK) | A. Swan (US) |
T. F. Heinz (US) | E. Obraztsova (RU) | C. Voisin (FR) |
A. Hirsch (DE) | A. Penicaud (FR) | J. Zaumseil (DE) |
S. Ilani (IL) | Th. Pichler (AT) | A. Zettl (US) |
A. Jorio (BR) | M. Prato (IT) |
Invited Speakers
Eva Andrei (Piscataway, US) | Xi Ling (Boston, US) |
Nurit Avraham (Rehovot, IL) | Annick Loiseau (Chatillon, FR) |
Ingrid Barcelos (Sao Paulo, BR) | Steve Louie (Berkeley, US) |
Marc Bockrath (Columbus, US) | Marceo Lozada Hidalgo (Manchester, UK) |
Christoph Brabec (Erlangen, DE) | Adina Luican-Mayer (Ottawa, CA) |
Matteo Calandra (Trento, IT) | Dominik Lungerich (Seoul, KR) |
Andres Castellanos-Gomez (Madrid, ES) | Shigeo Maruyama (Tokyo, JP) |
Alexey Chernikov (Dresden, DE) | Francesco Mauri (Rome, IT) |
Joshua Folk (Vancouver, CA) | Iris Niehues (Münster, DE) |
Otakar Frank (Prague, CZ) | Lukas Novotny (Zurich, CH) |
Stefan Hecht (Berlin, DE) | Maurizio Prato (Trieste, IT) |
Sebastian Heeg (Berlin, DE) | Raquel Queiroz (New York, US) |
Tony Heinz (Stanford, US)* | Archana Raja (Berkeley, US) |
Helen Hölzel (Giessen, DE) | Mariana Rossi (Hamburg, DE) |
Shahal Ilani (Rehovot, IL) | Sunmin Ryu (Pohang, KR) |
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Cambridge, US) | Helene Seiler (Berlin, DE) |
Ado Jorio (Belo Horizonte, BR) | Farsane Tabataba-Vakili (Munich, DE) |
Sabrina Jürgensen (Berlin, DE) | Hadrien Vignaud (Barcelona, ES) |
Christoph Kastl (Munich, DE) | Xiaodong Xu (Seattle, US) |
Hiromichi Kataura (Tokyo, JP) | Jiong Zhao (Hongkong, CN) |
Philip Kim (Cambridge, US) |
* speakers whose attendance has yet to be confirmed
We greatly acknowledge sponsoring contributions from