Second Announcement & Call for Abstracts
March 8 - March 14, 2025
Hotel Sonnalp - Kirchberg in Tirol - Austria
abstract submission deadline: November 22, 2024
Chair persons
Janina Maultzsch (Department Physik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE)
Stephanie Reich (Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, DE)
Andreas Hirsch (Institut für Organische Chemie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE)
Christoph Stampfer (2nd Institute of Physics A, RWTH Aachen Universität, DE)
Program committee
E. Andrei (US) | H. Kataura (JP) | S. Reich (DE) |
A. Bachtold (ES) | R. Krupke (DE) | J. Robertson (UK) |
C. Backes (DE) | H. Kuzmany (AT) | S. Roth (DE) |
H. M. Cheng (CN) | Y. H. Lee (KR) | P. Rudolf (NL) |
J. Fink (DE) | Y. Li (CN) | C. Schönenberger (CH) |
M. Glazov (RU) | F. Libisch (AT) | P. Sheng (CN) |
R. Gorbachev (UK) | A. Loiseau (FR) | F. Simon (HU) |
I. Grigorieva (UK) | S. Maruyama (JP) | C. Stampfer (DE) |
S. Haigh (UK) | J. Maultzsch (DE) | M. Strano (US) |
S. Heeg (DE) | F. Mauri (IT) | K. Suenaga (JP) |
T. Heine (DE) | K. S. Novoselov (UK) | A. Swan (US) |
T. F. Heinz (US) | E. Obraztsova (RU) | C. Voisin (FR) |
A. Hirsch (DE) | A. Penicaud (FR) | J. Zaumseil (DE) |
S. Ilani (IL) | Th. Pichler (AT) | A. Zettl (US) |
A. Jorio (BR) | M. Prato (IT) |
The winterschool will provide a platform for reviewing and discussing new developments in the field of novel materials and their applications.
The scope of the winterschool covers experimental and theoretical work in the following fields:
- materials science of graphene, nanographene, and carbon nanotubes
- novel two-dimensional materials
- optics, electronics, growth, and selection of carbon nanotubes and graphene
- theory of novel materials
- applications of novel materials
- nanostructure spintronics
- topological materials
- plasmonic nanostructures
- single-molecule experiments
Invited speakers
Eva Andrei (Piscataway, US) | Xi Ling (Boston, US) |
Nurit Avraham (Rehovot, IL) | Annick Loiseau (Chatillon, FR) |
Ingrid Barcelos (Sao Paulo, BR) | Steve Louie (Berkeley, US) |
Marc Bockrath (Columbus, US) | Marceo Lozada Hidalgo (Manchester, UK) |
Christoph Brabec (Erlangen, DE) | Adina Luican-Mayer (Ottawa, CA) |
Matteo Calandra (Trento, IT) | Dominik Lungerich (Seoul, KR) |
Andres Castellanos-Gomez (Madrid, ES) | Shigeo Maruyama (Tokyo, JP) |
Alexey Chernikov (Dresden, DE) | Francesco Mauri (Rome, IT) |
Joshua Folk (Vancouver, CA) | Iris Niehues (Münster, DE) |
Otakar Frank (Prague, CZ) | Lukas Novotny (Zurich, CH) |
Stefan Hecht (Berlin, DE) | Maurizio Prato (Trieste, IT) |
Sebastian Heeg (Berlin, DE) | Raquel Queiroz (New York, US) |
Tony Heinz (Stanford, US)* | Archana Raja (Berkeley, US) |
Helen Hölzel (Giessen, DE) | Mariana Rossi (Hamburg, DE) |
Shahal Ilani (Rehovot, IL) | Sunmin Ryu (Pohang, KR) |
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Cambridge, US) | Helene Seiler (Berlin, DE) |
Ado Jorio (Belo Horizonte, BR) | Farsane Tabataba-Vakili (Munich, DE) |
Sabrina Jürgensen (Berlin, DE) | Hadrien Vignaud (Barcelona, ES) |
Christoph Kastl (Munich, DE) | Xiaodong Xu (Seattle, US) |
Hiromichi Kataura (Tokyo, JP) | Jiong Zhao (Hongkong, CN) |
Philip Kim (Cambridge, US) |
* speakers whose attendance has yet to be confirmed
Registration and abstract submission
If you want to come to the next Kirchberg Winterschool, please, submit your abstract until November 22, 2024 through the website.
A new account can be created under:
Notification of acceptance is planned for December 9, 2024.
Please note that the total fee will be due immediately after notification of acceptance. If we do not receive any notification that your payment has been initiated by January 7, 2025, we have to cancel your participation.
Research lectures and posters
Invited research lectures (30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion) are scheduled during morning and evening sessions. Contributed abstracts covering research topics of the winterschool are scheduled as posters during our dedicated poster sessions.
Conference Publication
The research discussed in Kirchberg will be published in a special issue of physica status solidi and other journals by Wiley-VCH. All participants are strongly encouraged to submit a contribution to this issue. Details will be announced at the meeting.
The accommodation fees are as follows:
- A: Bed in a twin or double room at the Hotel Sonnalp or a nearby hotel for 490 €.
- B: Bed in a three-bed room at the Hotel Sonnalp for 340 €.
- C: Bed in a twin or double room in a nearby bed and breakfast place for 285 €.
- A limited number of single rooms in category A hotels will be available for an extra charge of 460 € (category S).
These prices include accommodation and breakfast for the conference week. The conference fee amounts to 720 €. This includes the participation fee, the conference publication, coffee breaks, poster session, and dinner (including one beverage) at the Hotel Sonnalp during the conference week.
The additional costs for accompanying persons (i.e. persons not participating in the scientific part of the conference) are 740 € (category A), 590 € (category B).
Children between 2 and 6 years can stay for 120 €, younger children for free.
Please note that the total fee will be due immediately after notification of acceptance.
Child Care
We provide child care free of charge during the morning and evening sessions. If you are interested, please make a short note in the "comments / roommate" field in the registration form.
Kirchberg in Tirol/Austria can easily be reached by train or by car. The railway station "Kirchberg in Tirol" is well connected to the international airports in Munich, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. From Munich and Salzburg airports, a minibus shuttle service can be booked.