First Announcement


March 18 - March 24, 2023

Hotel Sonnalp - Kirchberg in Tirol - Austria

Please note that the registration and abstract deadline is planned for December 2022.

Program committee

E. Andrei (US) H. Kuzmany (AT) J. Robertson (UK)
A. Bachtold (ES) Y. H. Lee (KR) S. Roth (DE)
H. M. Cheng (CN) Y. Li (CN) P. Rudolf (NL)
J. Fink (DE) A. Loiseau (FR) C. Schönenberger (CH)
L. Forro (CH) S. Maruyama (JP) P. Sheng (CN)
M. Fuhrer (AU) J. Maultzsch (DE) F. Simon (HU)
M. Glazov (RU) F. Mauri (IT) C. Stampfer (DE)
R. Gorbachev (UK) G. Mele (US) M. Strano (US)
I. Grigorieva (UK) K. S. Novoselov (UK) K. Suenaga (JP)
T. F. Heinz (US) E. Obraztsova (RU) A. Swan (US)
A. Hirsch (DE) A. Penicaud (FR) C. Voisin (FR)
A. Jorio (BR) Th. Pichler (AT) J. Zaumseil (DE)
H. Kataura (JP) M. Prato (IT) A. Zettl (US)
R. Krupke (DE) S. Reich (DE)


Our mission is to give a broad overview over the physics and chemistry of carbon nanostructures, two-dimensional materials and topological systems through a series of invited talks and contributed poster presentations.

The scope of the winterschool covers experimental and theoretical work in the following fields:

  • materials science of graphene, nanographene, and carbon nanotubes
  • novel two-dimensional materials
  • optics, electronics, growth, and selection of carbon nanotubes and graphene
  • theory of novel materials
  • applications of novel materials
  • nanostructure spintronics
  • topological materials
  • plasmonic nanostructures
  • single-molecule experiments

Time and Location

The 35th winterschool will be conducted from March 18 to March 24, 2023 at the Hotel Sonnalp in Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria.

In light of the current developments of the Covid-19 pandemic, we plan to return to the usual mode of operations and conduct the 2023 Kirchberg Winterschool as an on-site conference.

Please note that the registration and abstract deadline is planned for December 2022. The second announcement with further information on registration and participation will be circulated soon.

Further Information

Tutorials, research lectures, and poster presentations will be scheduled for morning and evening sessions. The afternoon will be free for mini workshops, special tutorials and private discussions. A second announcement will soon be distributed to interested colleagues. Personal application for participation will be required. For current information please visit our website: