Next year marks the 40th anniversary of the Kirchberg Winterschool – International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM). The first conference in our series took place in February 1985 with polymers as its central theme. Since then, the topics discussed in Kirchberg have continuously evolved – polymers, high-Tc superconductors, fullerenes, nanotubes, organic materials, 2D materials, and many more, but the Kirchberg feeling has remained the same - lively, open minded, and highly spirited.

We want to celebrate this exciting anniversary with you. As always, expect a great scientific program plus an evening of celebration including all former and the present main organizers of Kirchberg.

The 37th International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM) will take place from March 08 until March 14, 2025 in Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria. Our mission is to give a broad overview over the physics and chemistry of carbon nanostructures, two-dimensional materials and topological systems through a series of invited talks and contributed poster presentations.
The registration and abstract submission deadline will be in November 2024. Information about registration and abstract submission will follow with the 1st and 2nd announcements.

The Kirchberg Winterschool is organized by the groups of

Janina Maultzsch (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE) and
Stephanie Reich (Freie Universität Berlin, DE)

in cooperation with

Andreas Hirsch (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE) and
Christoph Stampfer (RWTH Aachen, DE)



The scope of the winterschool covers experimental and theoretical work in the following fields:

  • materials science of graphene, nanographene, and carbon nanotubes
  • novel two-dimensional materials
  • optics, electronics, growth, and selection of carbon nanotubes and graphene
  • theory of novel materials
  • applications of novel materials
  • nanostructure spintronics
  • topological materials
  • plasmonic nanostructures
  • single-molecule experiments

Program committee

E. Andrei (US) H. Kataura (JP) S. Reich (DE)
A. Bachtold (ES) R. Krupke (DE) J. Robertson (UK)
C. Backes (DE) H. Kuzmany (AT) S. Roth (DE)
H. M. Cheng (CN) Y. H. Lee (KR) P. Rudolf (NL)
J. Fink (DE) Y. Li (CN) C. Schönenberger (CH)
M. Glazov (RU) F. Libisch (AT) P. Sheng (CN)
R. Gorbachev (UK) A. Loiseau (FR) F. Simon (HU)
I. Grigorieva (UK) S. Maruyama (JP) C. Stampfer (DE)
S. Haigh (UK) J. Maultzsch (DE) M. Strano (US)
S. Heeg (DE) F. Mauri (IT) K. Suenaga (JP)
T. Heine (DE) K. S. Novoselov (UK) A. Swan (US)
T. F. Heinz (US) E. Obraztsova (RU) C. Voisin (FR)
A. Hirsch (DE) A. Penicaud (FR) J. Zaumseil (DE)
S. Ilani (IL) Th. Pichler (AT) A. Zettl (US)
A. Jorio (BR) M. Prato (IT)